Bruce Highway Upgrade Program (BHUP) – Mackay
Harrison Infrastructure Group was successful in winning a DTMR Mackay BHUP contract to provide design services for DTMR Mackay.
Design services included provision of civil & electrical designs, design engineering and design verification for over approximately 17 projects on the Bruce Highway utilising 24 staff over the design period.
Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR)
Project Category
Civil Engineering
September 2019 – December 2023
These projects were successfully delivered all the requirements stated in the BHUP Guidelines, DTMR 2018 Road Safety Policy and met all Tranche 2 requirements. The projects effectively implemented all points specified within each PPR report, including provision of WCLT, roadside hazard assessment and treatment, intersection upgrades, and provision of a safe roadside environment.
HIG developed pavement design reports in line with DTMR Mackay district standards. HIG provided construction support services to DTMR for each of the projects delivered to DTMR.
Feedback from Our Client, Department of Transport & Main Roads Mackay:
"HIG produced contract documentation to a high standard of quality. There were very few omissions, errors or contradictions between the contract documents which made
administration of the contract much easier and allowed the Contractor to plan works with confidence. Construction phase support from HIG was very good, with well-considered design solutions provided within required timeframes."
"I highly recommend HIG due to their technical expertise and quality of service."
Notable Milestones We Completed
W74/I11 Project (Bowen to Merinda)
Our scope included overlay and widening, pavement full width reconstruction, pavement widening, wide centreline line treatment (WCLT), intersection upgrades including a seagull intersection, channelised right turn lanes (CHR), auxiliary left turn lanes, basic left/right turn lanes (BAL/BAR), flag lighting, improved signage and delineation, CASA lighting assessments, roadside hazard assessment, property access assessments/treatments, bridge approach designs, resumptions, cross drainage and stormwater drainage, QR Rail interaction, PUP conflicts, flooding impacts and geometric assessments, design estimates, contract documentation and construction support.
SW61 Project (Proserpine to Bowen) 12km
Our scope included widening existing formation to allow WCLT, improved signage and delineation, improved intersection operation through the provision of channelised right turn facilities at Bridsons Road, Gordan Glen Road, Jochheim Road and Eden Lassie Road, upgrade to bridge approach guardrail (incl motorcycle rub rail) for Greta Ck, Acacia Ck, Eden Lassie Ck, Kangaroo Ck and Yeates Ck, pavement overlay and widening, pavement full width reconstruction, pavement widening, pup conflicts, improved roadside safety through the use of barriers, clearing of hazards and flatter batter slopes, design estimates, contract documentation and construction support.
HIG were engaged to implement innovative and dynamic design solutions to ensure projects were delivered on time and within budgetary constraints. Various innovations used on these projects included:
HIG developed an options analysis estimating spreadsheet to dynamically estimate 12d design models aligning with budgetary requirements. This tool allowed components of design to be included/excluded at hock, enabling a ‘Responsive to budget’ environment
Develop a dynamic 12d design model allowing for alterations during the scope analysis phase
To identify the large amounts of existing hazards within the project’s corridor HIG Developed a series of Hazard identification maps, highlighting known hazards that clearly identified all hazards within the project
Using these maps DTMR’s RISC programs was used to perform all Quantitative assessments
A HIG developed Qualitative assessment spreadsheet was utilised to undertake an analysis on all identified hazards within the project
All calculations were documented within a register showing the residual risk DTMR would incur with each hazard/treatment
Crash diagrams were developed and produced for each section of work to clearly highlight where known safety issues exists. These diagrams were used through multiple areas of documentation
Microsoft Teams was used between DTMR and HIG employees to allow seamless collaboration between each discipline. This communication was extremely effective in documenting design queries and decisions
Bluebeam a ‘Live’ documentation marks up tool was used through all design phase’s which was shared with both the PM and DTMR this allowed transparency on how design scheme drawings were tracking and enabled input at any stage in the plan production
A scope identification report was produced that evolving through the life of the project. This report highlighted what elements were ‘in scope’, ‘out of scope’ and deficiencies identified. This allowed DTMR to provide acceptance on the scope proposed in line with budgetary requirements
Deficiency reporting and documentation. Various geometric or existing deficiencies were identified in a ‘Live’ register. This register was shared with DTMR allowing design decisions to be transparent and documented in line with QA requirements.
Weekly design progress meetings were held with DTMR PM and all designers. At each meeting design issues were discussed and review of project programme was reviewed ensuring design would be delivered within project timeframes
Public Consultation plans were produced for DTMR project manager and communication officers. These plans clearly showed the design intent for the specific nodes within the project. This was used to educate the public about use of ‘Hook Turn’ facilities at private entrances and gain acceptance on modification of existing access geometrics
HIG received great feedback from DTMR, as these projects were delivered both on time and budget.