Roma CBD Redevelopment
Maranoa Regional Council proposed to redevelop Roma’s CBD to provide locals with a pleasant environment for retail and leisure activities as well as enhance the experience of visitors to the community.
HIG have undertaken the concept and detailed design for the upgrade of the following two intersections as part of the redevelopment.
Maranoa Regional Council
Project Category
Streetscaping and CBD Upgrades

McDowall Street / Arthur Street Upgrade
After public consultation by the Roma CBD Advisory Committee, the intersection of McDowall and Arthur Streets was prioritised for beautification works which include provision for small public gathering points, a stylised Clock and a traditional Christmas Tree.
Relocation of pedestrian crossing was also desired to provide a safer environment for both pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
McDowall Street / Hawthorne Street Upgrade

The intersection of McDowall and Hawthorne Street was identified as the next intersection to be upgraded as part of the CBD redevelopment. The upgrade coincided with the Royal Hotel re-development on the north eastern corner of the intersection. HIG developed a concept plan for the intersection utilising the existing methodology and treatments of Arthur Street to ensure consistency of the redevelopment is achieved throughout the CBD.
As part of the works for the intersection upgrades, HIG completed the design and specifications for:
Relocation of pedestrian crossings and associated structures
New Lighting to cater to new crossing locations and upgraded intersection
Rectification of stormwater issues including improvements to footpath surface drainage and underground drainage infrastructure.
Urban design / landscaping works integrating public spaces and installations with existing “Avenue of Honour” bottle trees and historical plaques / plinths.