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HIG Chairs Lower Order Roads Design Guidelines Review

Following the success of the publication Lower Order Roads Design Guidelines, developed by HIG in association with IPWEAQ, there have been calls to provide additional guidelines that will cater for lower order roads with traffic volumes greater than the current limit of 150 vehicles per day.

A review committee has been formed who’s charter defines tasks which include:

· Validating existing content;

· Considering of feedback received from industry;

· Evaluating the application of LORDG by committee members;

· Updating or modifying content to current industry standards; and

· Exploring the benefits of the development of an application to support end users.

Our very own Tony Gallagher was elected to the committee chair and will guide the process to address the abovementioned issues. Rod Moss is also a member of the review committee.

We look forward to working with industry representatives to fine tune the already sound LORDG, incorporate additional guidelines that have been suggested through a wide ranging consultation process and look into the possibility of safely catering for higher traffic volume roads. The consensus is to initially target roads up to 250 vehicles per day.


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